Why Is Commercial Bread So Soft?

If you’ve ever wondered why commercial bread is so soft, you’re not alone. There are several reasons for this, and they all have to do with the way the bread is made. First of all, commercially made bread generally has a higher water content than homemade bread.

This is because the dough is mixed in large batches using machines, and it’s difficult to get the same level of hydration when mixing by hand. Secondly, commercial bakeries often use a type of flour that has been bleached or treated with chemicals to make it whiter and more uniform in color. This type of flour is less nutritious than unbleached flour and can result in softer, less flavorful bread.

Finally, most commercial bakeries add additional fat to their doughs to make them richer and more tender. This may be done for flavor or texture reasons, but it also contributes to the softness of the final product.

Commercial bread is soft for a variety of reasons. One reason is that the flour used to make commercial bread is milled more finely than the flour used to make home-made bread. This makes the dough smoother and softer.

Commercial bakers also add fat and sugar to their doughs, which also contributes to a softer texture. Finally, commercial bakeries use steam injection ovens, which help produce a softer crust.

fluffy white bread loaf

How Do Bakeries Make Their Bread So Soft?

Bakeries make their bread so soft by using a variety of different techniques. One common technique is to add fats, such as butter, to the dough. This adds moisture and makes the bread more tender.

Another technique is to let the dough rise for a longer period of time, which also adds moisture and makes the bread more tender. Finally, bakeries often use steam during baking, which helps to keep the bread moist and soft.

Why is Bakery Bread So Fluffy?

There are a few reasons why bakery bread is so fluffy. First, professional bakers often use what’s called starter dough, which contains wild yeast and bacteria. This starter dough helps to create a more consistent rise in the bread.

Second, many bakeries use steam to help promote a taller rise and a softer crust. Finally, some bakeries add things like milk or butter to their dough recipe to create a richer flavor and softer texture.

How Does Bakery Bread Stay Soft?

Bakery breads stay soft for a few reasons. First, the dough typically contains more fat than other types of dough. This gives the bread a softer texture.

Second, bakery breads are often pre-baked before they are sold. This helps to seal in the moisture and keep the bread from drying out. Finally, many bakeries use special techniques, like steam injection, to keep their bread soft and fluffy.

Why is Bread So Soft?

Bread is soft for a variety of reasons. One reason is that bread typically contains a lot of water. When water is mixed with flour and kneaded, gluten forms and the dough becomes stretchy and elastic.

This elasticity allows the gas bubbles produced by leavening agents to expand evenly, resulting in a softer texture. Another reason bread is soft is that it generally has a lower protein content than other types of flour-based baked goods like cakes or cookies.

Protein provides structure in baked goods, so fewer protein results in a softer product. Finally, some types of bread are simply made to be soft, such as white sandwich bread.

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How to Make Homemade Bread Soft Like Store Bought?

Making soft, fluffy bread at home is easier than you might think! With just a few simple tips, you can produce bakery-worthy loaves that are every bit as soft and squishable as the store-bought kind. First, let’s start with the ingredients.

For the best results, use high-quality all-purpose flour and active dry yeast. And make sure your milk is nice and warm – around 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Room-temperature milk will work in a pinch, but warm milk will help to jumpstart the yeast and get things moving along more quickly. Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time to get mixing!

In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast, and milk. Stir until everything is evenly combined, then cover the bowl with a clean towel or plastic wrap and set it aside in a warm spot for 30 minutes to an hour.

After that initial rise period, your dough should be nice and puffy. Give it a brief stir before adding in 1/4 cup of softened butter (cubed) and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Stir until everything is well combined again, then turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or so.

The dough will be sticky at first, but keep working at it until it forms a smooth ball – if necessary, add additional flour to keep things from getting too messy on your countertop.

Once your dough is nicely kneaded, place it back in the bowl (which you should have greased lightly with some additional softened butter) and cover once again. Let it rise in a warm spot for another 30 minutes or so while you preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

When the second rise period is finished and your oven is hot and ready to go., simply shape your dough into one big loaf or two smaller ones (depending on what size baking dish you’re using) and place them on a greased baking sheet or in an oiled loaf pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown on top .

Allow the bread to cool slightly before slicing into it – if you can wait that long! – Enjoy!


Bread is a staple in many diets, but have you ever wondered why commercial bread is so soft? It turns out that there are a few reasons for this. First, bread flour has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour, which gives the bread a more tender texture.

Secondly, commercial bakeries often use dough conditioners, which help to soften the gluten strands and make the dough easier to work with.

Finally, most commercial bakeries use steam injection baking technology, which injects steam into the oven chamber during baking. This steam helps to create a softer crust and keeps the interior of the bread moist and fluffy.

I'm Samantha, the proud founder and heart of AllofKitchen.com. With over ten years in the kitchen appliances and cookware sector, I bring a treasure trove of experience to our loyal readers. Beyond just offering professional advice, I am an enthusiastic cook, always ready to share delightful recipes and handy kitchen tips with you.

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